Welcome to the Thrive Communities!
Our innovative approach connects your fundraising goals with everyday needs. By choosing services from Thrive vendors, families not only get what they truly need but also contribute significantly to your fundraising efforts. Encourage your supporters to make meaningful purchases using Thrive vendors, and watch your fundraising transform.
How We Help Local Businesses Thrive…
Thrive partners with the Capistrano Unified School District’s Parent-Teacher Associations, encompassing 63 schools, 47,000 students, and 4,000 staff in South Orange County. We offer your business exceptional visibility: it will be featured on the Thrive website, highlighted in PTA newsletters, flyers, social media, websites, and in our active Facebook community of over 5,000 members keen on supporting businesses that contribute to their communities.
The best part? This extensive local exposure comes at no upfront cost. You only pay a small portion of your gross sales after a job is successfully completed.
Have a business and want to participate? Click HERE to sign up today.